CWE CATEGORY: DEPRECATED: Technology-Specific Special Elements
Category ID: 169
Vulnerability Mapping:
PROHIBITEDThis CWE ID must not be used to map to real-world vulnerabilities
This category has been deprecated. It was originally intended as a "catch-all" for input validation problems in technologies that did not have their own CWE, but introduces unnecessary depth to the hierarchy.
Vulnerability Mapping Notes
(this CWE ID must not be used to map to real-world vulnerabilities)
Reasons: Category, Deprecated
This CWE has been deprecated. It is also a Category. Using categories for mapping has been discouraged since 2019. Categories are informal organizational groupings of weaknesses that can help CWE users with data aggregation, navigation, and browsing. However, they are not weaknesses in themselves.
See the summary, which might have suggestions for other CWEs to consider.