CWE CATEGORY: DEPRECATED: Cleansing, Canonicalization, and Comparison Errors
Category ID: 171
Vulnerability Mapping:PROHIBITEDThis CWE ID must not be used to map to real-world vulnerabilities
This entry has been deprecated. It was originally used for organizing the Development View (CWE-699) and some other views, but it introduced unnecessary complexity and depth to the resulting tree. Weaknesses in this category were related to improper handling of data within protection mechanisms that attempt to perform neutralization for untrusted data. These weaknesses can be found in other similar categories.
Vulnerability Mapping Notes
(this CWE ID must not be used to map to real-world vulnerabilities)
This CWE has been deprecated. It is also a Category. Using categories for mapping has been discouraged since 2019. Categories are informal organizational groupings of weaknesses that can help CWE users with data aggregation, navigation, and browsing. However, they are not weaknesses in themselves.
See the summary, which might have suggestions for other CWEs to consider.